Dutch Classics Megapack 1

The Dutch Classics Megapack 1 contains all the rolling stock from the add ons Dutch Classics 1 and 2. You find the complete Plan D class passenger coaches first/second class, the Plan D dining cars and the so called 'Bolkop' coaches (named as such for their rounded front and back). The Plan C class mail coaches, based on similar design as the passenger coaches and the Plan K class of combined first class and second class coaches in all editions can be found in this add on. The coaches were meant for express trains in both domestic and international services.
The coach series are available in many different variations after the real world example of the Dutch Railways. From pre second World War dark green to the light turqois color scheme and the later Berlin blue color scheme - with and without modern NS logo, with and without computer number on the sides - you can find them all in this add on.
With Megapack 1 you have 38 different editions of Dutch passenger coaches available.
An instruction manual informs you about the background and history of the coaches; also you find detailed instructions about installation and use of the coaches. An extensive catalogue that shows all types of rolling stock in this add on is also included.
You can order Megapack 1 as a DVD version or as digital download version.
Rolling stock series included:
Plan D class A 7700 (first class) passenger coaches
Plan D class B 7750 (second class) passenger coaches
Bolkopmaterieel class 7400 (first and second class) passenger coaches
Bolkopmaterieel class 6000 (first class) passenger coaches
Plan C class P 7900 Mail coaches
Plan D class C 7800/B 7800 (third and second class) passenger coaches
Plan K class AB 7300 (first and second class) passenger coaches
Plan D class RD 7600 dining cars
The above classes of rolling are included in all color schemes that they have been in service in, from pre-war dark green to post-war turqois and Berlin blue color scheme and with decals that show the situation in the given time period
Working tail lights (from version 1.2)
Animated folding bellows between the coaches that retract when decoupled
Passenger views based on interior pictures
Passenger function with animated side doors
New and weathered variations of some of the coaches are included
Fourteen free roaming and standard scenarios for the TestTrak and Ruhr-Sieg route are included